Everyone has heard of the dangers of smoking, but the scary inscriptions or photos on cigarette packs do not cause a feverish rejection of the habit. Many people dare to say "no" even after 35 or 40 years of regular nicotine use. If you quit smoking, then in addition to health benefits, saving money will be a plus. And life will shine with new colors and flavors.
Problems related to giving up a bad habit
It is believed that if you suddenly quit smoking, the likelihood of dangerous diseases increases directly. Undoubtedly, cleansing the body will take time and will require some effort from a person.

But the most basic consequences for the body of men and women are the following:
- Irritability and sometimes even aggression;
- The cough with which the resin comes out;
- Immune function decreases, depressed by lack of nicotine;
- Fatigue and headaches can be caused by a drop in blood sugar;
- In the first months of "catching" the addiction, the likelihood of gaining extra pounds increases.
There is more than one table on the web listing the benefits of quitting smoking for each body. In general, however, the experience of the habit, the age of the person and the individually formed organism play a role. Men improve faster than women. And if you have had problems with potency before, within six months or a year, your intimate life will become complete. Avoiding cigarettes will help the body cure chronic diseases over time.
Consequences during the day
The first day
The changes begin to occur in the first minutes after quitting nicotine. 20 minutes after smoking a cigarette, a person's heart rate and blood pressure will improve. The temperature of the arms and legs rises by one degree, the work of red blood cells is normalized. By evening, the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood will decrease, which will contribute to oxygen saturation in the body's cells.

Of course, an addict does not pay much attention to improvement. Obsessive thoughts are running through my head, there is nervousness and anxiety. Most of those who have given up addiction have disturbed sleep, decreased appetite and even general weakness.
Second day
Signs of nicotine abstinence are beginning to appear. The production of mucus in the lungs is reduced, which favors the functioning of the cilia. Damaged intestinal cells begin to regenerate.
Some people have more pronounced irritability, it is not easy to fall asleep. Shortness of breath and an increased cough occur, which pushes the accumulated resin out of the lungs. Changes in taste or lack of appetite are possible.
Day three
Eyelashes and bronchi begin to regenerate. Blood flow to the heart and brain increases and the tone of blood vessels normalizes. Taste receptors become sharper, so there is a chance to gain weight.

Reduces physical dependence on nicotine at the cellular level. But the psychological state is deteriorating - as before, it is tempting to "rise" in normal conditions. For some, this day will seem emotionally difficult. Heartburn or tinnitus may occur. Sleep is still disturbing.
Day four
The recovery processes in the stomach continue. Bronchial secretion stabilizes, bronchial tone gradually begins to decrease. The lungs are cleansed and blood flow to the brain is normalized.
Behavior becomes distracted, the mood changes abruptly from happy to depressed. But the psychological state gradually begins to level off, aggression and irritability decrease.
Day 5
In the remote parts of the bronchopulmonary system, cleansing occurs. The intestines are in the stage of normalization of work. Vascular tone becomes normal for the body. Thick, dark mucus secreted when coughing.

The probability of failure is still high. Pride of the past is replaced by insidious thoughts of lighting a cigarette. Do not give in, but rather eliminate annoying factors.
Day six
This day marks the appearance of new white blood cells that do not contain nicotine. These are all types of leukocytes that detoxify bacteria. More mucus is secreted from the lower parts of the lungs, the function of the cilia in the bronchi is normalized. Excessive sweating is possible, and there is also a desire to drink often.
Psychological disorders return, tears may appear in women. Of course, a heavy smoker thinks in his head: "Well, well done, endured, proved. And now you can relax with a cigarette and coffee, so to speak. "But anything is possible, and don't forget what the body does, removing the toxins that have accumulated over the years from every cell.
One week without cigarettes
The full recovery process begins - the body is fully recovered to work without nicotine dependence. The formation of new cells occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, but the secretion of organs still increases. The lungs and nervous system will be renewed for the longest time. Coughing still results in thick, dark expectoration.

On this day, most people experience apathy and indifference. The longing to smoke remains, but comes the realization of how much harder it is to endure psychological dependence than physical. Fatty foods can cause heartburn and nausea, so you need to review your diet for a while.
Day eight
Taste and olfactory receptors are fully activated, as a result of which food acquires a normal taste. Regeneration continues in the lung tissues. There is still phlegm and mucus, and some have a lump in the throat.
Physical withdrawal is much easier. Irritation, obvious aggression decreases, but psychological attachment still remains. It is expressed in a change of mood, sadness, short sleep.
Day nine
The production of basic enzymes in the stomach is normalized. The long-term process of recovery of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract continues. Blood cells begin to function normally. Most ex-smokers are irritated by the smell of tobacco.

Appetite increases, diarrhea and constipation are possible due to mucosal regeneration. The indifferent state continues due to the lack of elementary free time. Damage during this period may be due to an external stimulus. Therefore, it is better not to be among the clouds of smoke with a renewed sense of smell.
Day ten
Vessels and lungs will continue to be cleaned for the first six months. And with experienced smokers it is possible for longer. At the same time, the process of restoring immunity begins. The cough continues.
When coughing, the lumps come out with an ominous smell. These are dead lashes, amidst the accumulation of resin. Some doctors recommend fluorography or an ENT visit at this time to rule out pathology. The risk of smoking increases among smokers. Thoughts become less intrusive.
Eleventh day
During the second half of nicotine rejection, the activity of the small vessels that transport arterial blood is stabilized. Quitting smoking affects your metabolism, so you can improve. In order not to have to lose weight, it is better to control the weight and amount of food consumed.

As the flow of oxygen to the brain increases with each passing day, dizziness is likely. Women can become tearful and men can become aggressive. The desire to smoke increases the desire to check "like it or not".
Twelfth day
The second regenerated white blood cells, already involved in protecting the body against viruses, are already being formed. People who have given up a bad habit before the age of 30 notice a change in skin color. Gradually, the cough decreases and bowel function is almost restored.
The psychological state is now depressed. It is temporarily best to avoid irritating odors and continue to give up nicotine.
Thirteenth day
Skin cells regenerate dynamically. The upper layer still contains traces of addiction, but the lower layer begins to form again. Vascular tone remains unstable.

The desire to smoke is motivated more by interest than by habit. The mood is still depressed because the nervous system is still disturbed.
Two weeks without nicotine
The recovery of the endothelium, the inner layer that covers the walls of blood vessels, begins. Healing of the bronchial mucosa at the completion stage. The complexion continues to improve, the yellow soot on the fingers fades. The disorders manifest themselves in the form of weakness and drowsiness. For some, this day becomes a turning point. Someone is returning to the ranks of smokers.
A month without cigarettes or more
In the first month the person acquires a healthy appearance, the cough with sputum production decreases. Due to the fact that the brain gradually gets used to the supply of oxygen, dizziness and a drop in blood pressure may occur. Epithelial cells are renewed, contributing to the formation of new cells.

The first month is psychologically stressful. You should try not to focus on the number of days without tobacco. You can follow your body, help it with vitamins, because immunity decreases in the first weeks. Passive smoking should be avoided. With all efforts, the body will give invaluable health.
In the second and third month, the yellowing on the face disappears noticeably. Addiction to smoking gradually decreases. The lungs are still clear and sputum is formed by coughing. Dry throat can be troublesome. Dizziness and sudden pressure surges pass. Sleep improves and taste buds increase appetite.
After six months, the work of the internal organs will change, the regeneration of individual liver cells will take place, which will continue for another six months. Purified and oxygenated blood circulates through the blood vessels. Stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will help you lose weight with proper nutrition.
The sputum is no longer dark in color and may cease to stand out completely. Most people find it easier to breathe. In fact, the lungs increase in volume during this time. The desire to smoke arises superficially, and then with certain associations.

A year later the vocal cords will change, all receptors will be completely restored. The world will be filled with bright aromas. Many of them have an enhanced sense of smell, which distinguishes subtle odors. The likelihood of caries will decrease and tooth enamel will gradually lighten. The likelihood of lung and liver cancer is reduced by 80%, esophagus and stomach by more than 60%, and lip cancer is completely ruled out. To speed up all the positive aspects, today it is worth quitting smoking.